
達人の英会話術  英会話術 話題集 短表現 時の英語 英単語帳
  会社英語教室  会社英語 会社英会話 会社電話英語

コメント形式で載せていきたいと思います。 英語がお上手な方はパスしてくださいね。

2018/6/27 改訂


番号 メール  項目 説明・解説  【工事中】
メールの書き方 海外ではもちろん英語でメールを書きます。


 Hello John, 
 Hi Rob, 
 Goodmornig Austin,
 Good afternoon all,
 Hello All,
 Hi All,
 Dear All,
 Dear all ?
 Rob,  Gents,  Folks,

 I hope that you are well: 元気であることを願っています
 I hope that you are doing well: 元気にしていることを願っています
 I hope this email finds you well and that business is ok.

 Thanks for your e-mail. 「メールあがりがとうございます。」
 Thank you for your email and following phone conversation.
 Thanks for the response.
 Thank you for your comment on my email response.

 For circulation.

 Sorry that it’s taken a while to get back to you on this.

 Please accept my apologies I meant to copy this to you as well.


 ・Thank you for your support always. いつもお世話になっております。
 ・Thank you for your consideration, as always.
 ・Thank you for your cooperation.

 ・I really appreciate all of your help. 手助けしてもらったことに感謝

 ・Thank you for looking after him. 世話してもらったことに感謝

 ・I have copied to Mr A as 〜.

 For your information.
 FYI =For your information.

 Please see below e-mail from B.:Bさんのメールの転送です。
 Please see email below.
 You can see Mr B's email and my reply below.
 If I have missed someone on this distribution, please forward to them.
 Please advise if anyone else should be included on this e-mail distribution.:

 I draw your attention to the following statement from the email below:
 Please refer to the email below from Mr A and the email prior to that from Mr B.

 Please be advised that 〜. お知らせ致します。
 Please note that 〜.
 Just a note to advise that 〜
 Just a reminder that 〜 お知らせです,念のため

 Will advise when I know. 情報が入り次第お知らせします。

 I will discuss with Mr A and will advise you the outcome as soon as possible.

 He has informed me this morning that 〜

 Attached is 〜.
 Attached are 〜 .
 Attached are:
 Attached is the report 〜.
 〜 attached.
 The attached report details 〜.
 Attached for your interest.
 I have attached 〜.
 Please find attached 〜.
 Please find Visit Report attached. 出張報告書
 Please see attached 〜.
 You'll find attached to this email, 〜.
 〜 in attachment 添付したファイルにある〜

 Please discard last reports.


 in your emails below

 Would you please arrange your visit for Dec 4, 5, 6 or 7.

 as follows:
 as per below:
 as below:

 as per the below illustration 下図のように
 as described below 後述するように

 Well noted, and thank you: 了解です。ありがとうございます
 Noted: 了解,了解です,了解しました,承知しました
 Noted with thanks: 頼みごとをしていたときの返事で
 That would be fine: 了解しました。大丈夫です


 All right

 That is understood.: 理解しました,ですね
 I get the point.
 I understand.

 I have reviewed and this looks OK to me.

 re ... //: 〜に関して
 As mentioned in the meeting yesterday: 昨日,会議で話したように

 just in case: 念のため,万が一に備え,もしものために,もしもの時のため,万一のため, 一応



 We look forward to your feedback on this request.

 Will keep you posted.
 I'll keep you posted.

連絡してね,連絡くださいね: Please keep us informed.

 If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

 Please revert with any questions in the interim.

We requests a response on root cause and to resolve and implement corrective action on the attached report to prevent a recurrence.
Initial response required prior 30th July 2014.
If you have any further comments to add that may assist in your investigation, if any details are incorrect or if the proposed time frame does not meet your requirements, then please contact us at your earliest possible convenience.

 ・Thank you very much for your help.
 ・Thanks in advance
 ・Best regards
 ・Nice to meet you
 ・I'm looking forward to working with you.
 ・Thank you


 Best regards,
 Best wishes,
 Thanks & Regards,




番号 メール  項目 説明・解説  【工事中】



 leave: 不在
 sick leave: 病欠
 annual leave: 年休,年次有給休暇
 home leave: 一時帰国休暇
 mourinig leave: 忌引休暇
 carer's leave: 介護休暇
 carers leave: 介護休暇

 absences from the office
 away from office: 事務所不在
 out of the office: 事務所不在
 off site: 現場不在



 ・I will be at the plant for the rest of the week. 事務所から離れて工場にいるの意味
 ・I will be off site for the remainder of the day.
 ・I will be off site until 12.00pm today.
 ・I will be away from the office for the remainder of the day returning tomorrow Wednesday 06/05/2015.
 ・I will be away from the office until Monday 29th of April.
 ・I will be away from the office tomorrow returning to work on Monday.
 ・I will be away from the office for the rest of the day.
 ・I'll be away from the office for the rest of the day.

 ・Please note that I will be out of the office tomorrow Friday 3rd May returning Monday 6th of May.
 ・Please note that I will be out of the office tomorrow returning Thursday.
 ・I am out of the office today.
 ・I will be out of the office 29/04 to 2/05.
 ・I will be out of the office for most of today.

<不在の言い方: 出張 on business>
 ・I will be working out of the plant for the rest of this week.
 ・I will be out of the office today on business. 商用で,仕事で
 ・I will be out of the office today on business matters. 業務で
 ・I will be out of the office the rest of the day, going to A shut.

 ・Please note that I will be out of the office on business matters. I will be back in UN office 5/9.

 ・I will be away on a business trip to New Zealand next week, returning to the office on Monday July 14th.  出張で
 ・I will be away from the office today on company business.
 ・I will be away from the office on business all of next week.
 ・I will be away from the office travelling on business to Tokyo today 19/5.
 ・I will be away from the office this afternoon and all day tomorrow, travelling to Sydney for meetings.
  I will be back on Friday 9th Sept, and contactable on mobile and email.

 ・I will be travelling around Queensland next week, mainly in the Brisbane area.
  I'll be back in the office on Monday 15th Feb.
 ・I will be travelling to the constock locations in Victoria and South Australia
  starting Wed 12/10 through to 14/10 and returning to the office 17/10

 ・He is currently away on business in Tokyo.

<不在の言い方: 年休,年次有給休暇 on annual leave>
 ・I will be away on annual leave on Friday 26/04/13 returning to work Monday 29/04/13.
 ・I will be away on leave from noon Thursday 31st July, returning Monday 29th September.

 ・I will be on annual leave Monday 11th May 2015 returning to work Tuesday 12th May 2015.
 ・I will be on annual leave from Thursday 16th May and returning Wednesday 29th May.
 ・I will be on annual leave from Monday 16/09/2013 to Wednesday 18/9/2013, returning to work Thursday 19/09/2013.
 ・I will be on annual leave today 29/7 returning to work on the 30/7
 ・I will be on annual leave from midday (NZST) and will be back in the office Monday morning (28/7/14).
 ・Please note I am on annual leave Friday 26/4 returning to office on Monday 29/4.

 ・I will on leave for the rest of the day, back in office Monday 13/10/14.

 ・I will be away this afternoon back in office tomorrow.
 ・I will be away from the office tomorrow (Tuesday) but will be here Wednesday,
 ・Thursday and Friday - just changing my day off this week.

 ・As at the end of the day I will be on annual leave, returning on Tuesday 20 September 2016. 金曜の就業後休暇スタート

 ・I will be out of the office on carers leave tomorrow. 介護休暇で

 ・I will return to work on Friday 01/08/2014.
 ・I will return to the office on the 21/5.
 ・I will be back in the office on Monday 15th Feb.

 ・He will be in later this morning




 ・I can be contacted by mobile phone or e-mail.
 ・I can be contacted by phone or email.
 ・I can be contacted by phone or e-mail for any enquiries.
 ・I can be contacted via mobile or email.
 ・I can be contacted on my mobile if it is urgent.

 ・I can be reached on my mobile or via /ヴァ ィア/ email if required.

 ・I am contactable by phone and email if required urgently.
 ・I am contactable via mobile or email.

 ・I will be contactable via mobile phone all day for any urgent matters.
 ・I will be contactable via phone and email during this time.
 ・I will be contactable via email and mobile throughout the day.
 ・I will be contactable for most of the day via mobile.
 ・I will be contactable on mobile and email if required.
 ・I will be contactable on my mobile throughout the day.
 ・I will be contactable by phone or email during this time.

 ・I will be available on mobile and email at random times, so please leave me a message and I'll get back to you when I can.
 ・I am available on both email and mobile.

 ・Please contact me via mobile if anything urgent is required.

 ・I will have access to my emails and also should be available on mobile.

 ・I will respond to emails periodically. Please leave a voicemail if calling.

 ・Periodically throughout the day I can answer emails and listen to messages.

 ・If there is anything urgent please ring my mobile otherwise send me an email and I will respond to it when I get the chance.
 ・If it is urgent I will be contactable by phone or email at various times throughout the day.

 ・For any urgent plant related matters please contact Mr A or Mr B.
 ・Mr A will not be in Friday. Refer Mr B if required.
 ・Mr A will not be in today. Please refer to Mr B if required.




番号 メール  項目 説明・解説  【工事中】


 ・Please note that 〜.
 ・Please note 〜.
 ・please note that: ご注意下さい,ご了承下さい

 ・as requested: ご依頼された(の)
  as requested by Mr. B: B氏からご依頼された

 ・ have a query in relation to:質問がある,照会がきている

 ・It was noted that 〜
 ・Mr A noted that 〜

They have been advised of this arrangement.  取決め

 ・Mr A's phone and email have been diverted to Mr B.

 ・転送する: forward,transfer
 ・転送先:  forwarding address

 ・返信メール:  reply email
 ・返信する:  reply to email

 ・It was agreed that 〜

 ・I hope you are well.
 ・I hope that you are keeping well.
 ・I hope you are doing well.
 ・Hope you are ok and your business goes well.

 ・Take care of yourself.

 ・Mr. Noda and Tom and I attended the traial of 〜:野田さんとトムと私が〜
 ・Myself, and Tom will 〜:私とトムとが〜
 ・I, along with my colleague Mr. A - Director, would like to meet with you to 〜
 ・We think it is a good time to raise 〜
 ・Have a meeting with 〜
 ・OK by me. 「自分はOKだ」
 ・Ok with me. 「自分はOKだ」
 ・OK for me. 「自分はOKだ」
  Everything else fits and looks ok.
 ・Following your communication below, 〜 :貴殿のメールからすれば,〜
 ・I've just had a phone call from Mr A regarding the email below.
 ・I have just had a call from Mr A.
 ・I have received email from Mr A.
 ・I got an email back from B.
 ・by return email

 ・ではその時に: see you then
 ・訂正脱落があればご連絡をお願いします: Please advise any errors or omissions.

 ・I have asked the question and will forward the answer when I get it.

 電話: Telephone, Direct
 携帯: Mobile
 ファクシミリ: Facsimile
 メール: Email








番号 項目 説明・解説  【工事中】



括弧 「(」の前後はスペースを入れるのかどうかとか,句読点 「.」 「,」 「:」 後のスペースの数はとかです。

 ・当然,小数点の前後   15.3
 ・3桁づつ区切るカンマの前後   3,000,000
 ・#の後,%の前の数字 #5 45%
 ・分数で分子と分母の間の「/」の前後  1/2
 ・時刻を示す「:」「.」(豪州)  8:30 8.30
 ・単位の数字との間。  4MPa
 ・略字でピリオドが使われた時 U.S.A.





 [参照: 英文タイプのスペーシングルール]



番号 項目 説明・解説  【工事中】

 ・top margin,bottom margin,right margin, left margin: 上,下,右, 左の余白
 ・right-aligned,right indent: 右揃え




番号 項目 説明・解説  【工事中】




   care of
   in care of

  Tatsuhito Takahashi
  c/o Mr and Mrs Smith
  23 Glastonbury Ave

  c/o Marco Polo Davao Hotel



会社英語  会社英会話  会社電話英語 
  英会話術  話題集  短表現  時の英語  難英単語帳


本ホームページの作成者・管理者: 高橋達人 (Doctor T)